Fact File

There are 750 Million Co-operative Members in over 100 countries.

In Sweden, almost all the forestry industry is run by Co-operatives.

One in every three citizens of the United States is a member of a Co-operative Society.

The Co-operatives sell more than 5(Five) Million pints (0.57 litre) of milk in Britain every day.

More than half of the income of the Nothern Italian town of Imola is generated by co-operative businesses.

There is a Co-operative Society for employees in the Emperor’s Palace in Japan. Nearly all-Canadian wheat is sold through agricultural Co-operatives.

Europe’s biggest bank, Credit Agricole, is a Co-operative owned by French farmers.

One of the most southerly co-operatives in the world is the Co-operative Store in Stanley.

Capital of Las Islas Malvinas, (Falkland Islands).

In India all the 6,82,862 villages are covered by Co-operatives.

There are 442 Million Co-operative Members in Asia.

The Co-operative is Britain’s biggest Commercial farmer, with 45,000 acres of owned or managed by the Co-operative Wholesale Society.

Sean Connery earned a living driving a Co-operative horse-drawn milk float in Edinburgh, UK before he turned to acting.

The Co-operative Bank was the first clearing bank in the UK to introduce a free banking accounts in 1973.

In Moscow, Russia, there is a Rockdale Street named in honour of the Pioneers.

In Italy, consumer co-operatives are the number one food distributors, and each co-operative contributes a part of its profits to develop new co-operatives.

Henry Pitman, brother of the shorthand inventor Sir Isaac Pitman, started one of the first co-operative periodicals “The Co-operator” in 1860.

Japanese University Student Unions are all run as Co-operatives.

49.3% of the total agricultural credit is disbursed by the Co-operatives in India.

The Co-operative Bank “Gold Card” is the most popular “Gold” Credit Card in Britain.

One of the world’s top ten investment houses is the Japanese Farmers’ Insurance Co-operative, “Zenkyoren”, which has managed assets of more than 132 Billion Dollars.

The Co-operative Sector employs 1.8 Million people in Europe.

In India, 14.1 Million employment generated (direct + indirect) through co-operatives.